Cholesterol nowadays become a celebrity... of sickness. It shoot not only to elderly but also youngster to whom love eating processed and junk food. Should we worry about that? Yes, we are.
Cholesterol is a substance our liver can produce. It's needed to build vitamin D, cell walls, hormones and help us to digest fat. Cholesterol is a type of lipid, together with protein (become lipoprotein) cholesterol is traveling to every parts of our body through bloodstream.
Cholesterol is a substance our liver can produce. It's needed to build vitamin D, cell walls, hormones and help us to digest fat. Cholesterol is a type of lipid, together with protein (become lipoprotein) cholesterol is traveling to every parts of our body through bloodstream.
There is 2 type of cholesterol :
- High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), well known as good cholesterol
- Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), known as bad cholesterol. When LDL is high it will hardening arteries and decrease blood flow, which put the risk of having heart attack or having stroke.
What cause high in LDL?
- Diet in high saturated fat and trans fat.
- Overweight
- Heredity
- Less of physically activity
- Age
How to control LDL?
- Replace your saturated and trans fat foods to fruits, raw veggies, beans, whole grain and fish.
- Eat only skinless poultry when you want to eat meat.
- Replace fried foods and ready made baked foods with low fat and non cholesterol snacks.
- Eat more legumes (such as peanut, lentil, soybean, beans and peas), carrot, citrus fruits and blueberries to lowering cholesterol level.
Keep in mind on your eating habit, that we serve our body not our tongue.
Picture is courtesy of www.herdaily.com
too much of it may cause obesity and obesity may cause heart attack
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I do hope you'll do the same way as mine.. thanks a lot
Thank you! Sure, I'll take your link my new partner.
thank you so much for caring for our health and well being:)
I added your link here: http://www.basicbloganomics.com/2008/11/friends-link-list.html
Take care!
We must know what cholesterol is.. and find it here. It's very nice post and thanks to share.
have a nice day..
mesti hati2 deh..soalnya sangat berbahaya kalo kita tidak bisa menjaga kadar kolesterol..
@ bluedreamer27: It is, but d food doesn't look that scary.
@ Irfan "melodic" Nugroho: HDL is d good one, is not suffering u so far.
@ Harry Seentings: tinggal beli, disini banyak kang ... :P
@ Arya: Thx a lot Arya.
@ Bala Salgada: Thx a lot Bala, maybe it isn't d time yet 4u 2b fleshy :P
@ Semar Badranaya: Should be, by the food u take.
@ om nunu: Makasih ya, udah difollow up mas ... :)
@ Dorothy L: U 2 D, Thx for drop by.
@ David Funk: I did it, thx a lot 4 d exchange... :)
@ Seno: Iya mas, makasih dah mampir ... :P
@ Tarmizi: Thx for drop by.
@ Raini Munti: Boleh mba, silakan.
@ Dhemz: U r wellcome mare :P
@ Yudie: Am fine, thx a lot Yudie.
@ Budiawan Hutasoit: Iya bang, kudu ati2, biasanya makanan ga sehat packagingnya lebih menarik. Makasih sarannya bang.
@ Angga: Maasih dah mampir, kemana aja?
@ WELCOME AND STAY HERE: Could be, but alcohol have more side effects than goodness, it's also will harm liver as HDL producer. Thx bang for d gud question.
added your blog in my cool blogs section
take care
its on type HDL or LDL??
cuz sometimes or maybe really often i always take a lunch with Masakan Padang,.. its delicious,..:)