Fat in Foods

Fat is an essential nutrient to our body. It absorbs and store vitamins A, D, E, K and carotene. Fat is also provides energies to our activity, biggest calories than carbo and protein. But you need to keep balance between calories consumed with physical activity you do. If you consume more calories than you use through physically activity, you will gain weight.

Toddlers and kids need fat in certain amount for brain and nerve system development, they can get it through whole fat milk.

Both animal and plant food is producing different types of fat, they are:

Saturated Fat
Found in animal product such in meat, the skin, poultry and high-fat dairy product like butter, full cream milk, cheese, coconut milk, vegetables oils, and used cooking oil. A diet high saturated fat may increase the risk of heart attack and raise your blood cholesterol level.

Unsaturated Fat, is divided by:

Monounsaturated Fat

Is the healthiest fat, these are found in plant foods such grape seeds, cashew, almond, avocado, sesame, pumpkin and hazelnuts.
Consume these foods may lower risk of heart disease, lower the cholesterol level, as protection against colon and breast cancer and as anti-oxidant.

Polyunsaturated Fat

This fat is high in calories, but it has essential oil like Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acid. Omega 3 can be found in fishes oil and seafood, known for lowering the risk of heart attack, breast cancer and Omega 6 can be found in safflower oil, sunflower oil, corn and soybean oil. A diet high in omega 6 can lower risk of cardiovascular disease, but also can be a trigger for asthma as it contribute to allergies.

Trans Fat
or Hydrogenated Fat
Is solid oil, and margarine/butter-substitute in foods manufacture. Nothing is good about this fat, the benefits are oppositely with others. This fats is found in ready made foods such baked food, snacks, sticks margarine, and fried foods.

picture is courtesy of http://media.photobucket.com/image/fat pictures/hlyautey/blog photos/Funny_Pictures_2918.jpg


Tripzibit said…
Nice info. Thanks for sharing this :D
supriadi said…
Waduh jadi takut gemuk nich Don gara2 km kasih tau jadi ngerti dah makanan mana yang perlu dikonsumsi....
gab's mom said…
i learned again. thanks for the loads of info you're putting on your page :-)
Donnalyn Weir said…
Nice info you got here. Continue writing:)
pieter m.s said…
danger!!! diet now..
Nopi Mujiyanto said…
Nice info about fat,..thnks for sharing..:)
Nopi Mujiyanto said…
Exchange link??already put ur link on my xlink box, plz do the same,..
let me know ok,..:)
Anonymous said…
great info on fat...and a funny pic :-)
Clarissa said…
Thanks for the info!Very informative!
Greetings from Japan!!Nicemeetingyou here at blogosphere and thanks for dropping by!!^_^
supriadi said…
Good day donn....How are u today? thanks for added...
Unknown said…
Excellent awareness post.
Donna so many people just do not understand the importance of balanced eating. It affects them and then is passed on down to their children who really have no clue as that is all they know.
All of the awareness we can offer is a very good thing:)
dhika.h said…
nice info, and funny picture
Anonymous said…
keep sharing!.. nice Donna :)
my katiebug said…
hi there, girl! hope you are having a wonderful day. adding you in my site and hope you will do the same. thanks and Godbless! :)
sugiyatno said…
Good day Donna... very funny pic at your post. :)
Once said…
People said that something is delicious in small measure but it will be disease in big amount. Fat? I think so.
Hi there. Hahah, great post and bullseyed picture. :) 4 that.
Bang Del said…
Wow.. where did you get that picture? very funny. Any way thanks for stopping by.
M~Raj~S said…
Hi my cute frnd, today coming now, how is going this day or Week, I hope ur do well take care babyRajWayZ
Josie said…
lots of things to learn from here, and thanks for dropping by
Anonymous said…
Hi my friend Donna, thank you for the visit, new day of happiness and smiles. Hugs Valter.
Jrink Hetfield said…
welhadalah... perahunya kurang kecil tuh, xixixixi...
Tripzibit said…
Just wanna say, happy day to u. thanx for dropping by :D
Dhemz said…
great info Mare...thanks for sharing...:)
Anonymous said…
what about 'losing fat without losing weight'? Have you an idea for that?
admin said…
fat? hmmm..to be frank, sy ini paling takut kalo kegemukan..jadi makanan benar2 dipilih jgn terlalu fatty (bener ga nih nulisnya)..
sebisa mungkin menghindar dari makanan yang fatnya terlalu banyak..
mending makan sayuran deh..
dede said…
Uhhh, enak banget tuh naik prahu! sambil mancing kali ye?
Alfredo E. said…
Hi: the problem with omega 3 and omega 6 is that our diets usually have 20 to 50 times omega 6 than omega 3 and we need a 1/1 ratio to stay healthy.

That is way you should not supplement with omega 3 and omega 6 capsules, only with omega 3.

Please, read more at Omega 3 Fish Oil Deficiency

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