
Showing posts from May, 2009

My 3rd Award

Thanks a lot Ogiex for sharing ur Friendship Award with me.

My 2nd award

My 2nd awards given by my dear friend Beth , salamat sa award mare ... According to her message, i need to pass it to you ... Andre Budiawan Hutasoit Dede Fia al Kurosawa Haddy Irfan 'Melodic' Nugroho Kang Dwi Marcellino Melati Nance ogiex.slash Yani

Baek Kimchi

Baek Kimchi or White Kimchi is the very first kimchi recipe. The main ingredients are almost as same as Poggi kimchi , with scallions; radishes; chives, watercress, carrot, apple and chestnut in addition. Baek Kimchi can be kept in the refrigerator up to 10 days. picture courtessy of

Poggi Kimchi

Poggi kimchi or napa cabbage kimchi is the traditional Korean kimchi. With main ingredients: napa cabbage, mustard leaves, watercress, scallion, Korean chives and radish. Start do napa preparation : cut napa into 4 equally. wash under running water, sprinkle with salt evenly between and over the cabbage. Soak it in enough water to cover it then leave it 6-8hours. Drain and wash under running water, then drain it for about 30minutes. Cabbage to be spread by sauce mixture (additional fish sauce) in between leaf and outside. Put inside the container with lid then live it for 36 hours in room temperature. Put kimchi into refrigerator after opened, and it will last for 6 weeks.


Do you know kimchi? Kimchi is Korean fermented vegetables during the winter months. It is traditionally made by pickled and preserved in earthenware jars in holes in the ground with steady temperature for about 2 weeks or even a month. There are over 200 kinds kimchi, different variation of original recipes. About 10 kimchi recipes are commonly eaten, those are cabbage, radishes, cucumber, garlic, ginger and onions. Among Korean it's became a necessary side dish for almost every meal. With it's distinction smell, kimchi with probiotic factor benefits is medically proven long since. Kimchi basic sauce ingredients are red pepper powder, sweet rice paste, fresh ginger, ground salted shrimp, minced garlic, sugar and salt. picture is courtesy of

Happy Mother's Day

"Nothing compares to a mum's love. She looks with her heart and feels with her eyes. A mum is the bank where her children deposits all their worries and hurt, pleasant and happiness. A mum is the cement that keeps her family together and her love lasts a lifetime". This is a beautiful card given by my dear son last night. Son, I will always love you

Mas Selamat Kastari captured!

Mas Selamat bin Kastari finally nabbed in Johor Baru by Malaysian policeman, after escaped from a Singapore maximum security detention centre in Whitley Road on Feb 27, 2008. The news announced just today after six weeks ago being arrested by Malaysia authorities, he was being held in Malaysia under the country's Internal Security Act. Mas Selamat bin Kastari, 48years old is Indonesian-born Singaporean. He is allegedly to be the head of the Singapore branch Jemaah Islamiyah. According to Singapore Police Force, he is suspected of plotting to bomb Singapore Changi Airport in 2002 and planned to crashed a plane into the airport. Even though he has never proved and never been formally charged with any terrorism-related offences he was detained under Singapore's Internal Security Act, which allows indefinite detention without trial.

TV's Effects on Kids

Who doesn't like to watch TV? TV is the most popular entertainment in the world, not only because it is affordable but it is also convenience, just have a multiple entertainment at home that's it. TV has many viewers from all range of ages. from kids; teens; adult until elderly love to watch. TV is the most information resources whether local and world news people will look for, up dating technology, science info, education, knowledge and entertainment. But, as good thing comes along with bad thing, TV also can bring bad influence to us, kids and teens especially. It comes to be bad when you don't know how to clarify what's on TV clearly, can't divide which is wrong or right, and it is mostly happened to kids who don't understand yet what's on. Even sometimes we got wrong message of assuming news news on TV in half way, without full in detail. Kids with their limited experience in life need us as parent to describe. Be their companion as their censor and int...

Word Bank

Carcinogenic: Cancer-cause Kiasu: Scared to lose (Indo: takut kalah) Miso : Is a fermented of paste soybeans, is usually mix salt and either with barley or rice. Sunomono : Salad dressed with vinegar. It's like thinly sliced cucumber dressed with lightly sweetened vinegar. Slices of seafood may be added or as a side dish.