Dongchimi is known as winter kimchi. It is consist of Daikon (white radishes) as main ingredient, carrot and pear as optional. The way it's made almost as same as Yeolmu kimchi, we just need to coated radishes in salt and sugar mixture for one day in the room temperature, it will leave salty and sweet taste to the radishes. Repeat soaking with new water, sugar and salt together with other ingredients and sauce, fermented for about 1-2 days until vinegary flavour has risen. Store in the refrigerator with self life about 1 week.It is nice to be served cool.
Picture is courtesy of
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lam knal ya
skali-kali pajang donk yg asli.. hehehe...
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bentuknya aneh..
kirimin ke Medan dong,
ato saya yg ke Sing..hehe
It is nice to have your first visit. Thank you for your interest to be my friend. You have been added in my list.
Btw, the pictures of Kimchi look great. I never try it yet. How is the taste?
great day to you!
I like your article and all the great tips that are mentioned on it, it has really helped out. Thanks for share the information.
I hope you can visit my blog and give me suggestion.
Thanks again.